Accredited to deliver the ACOP and MMR program
Delivering the Aged Care Onsite Pharmacist (ACOP) and Medication Management Review (MMR) training Programs.
Aged Care Training Academies
Credentialed Pharmacist Trainers
Facilities seeking onsite pharmacists
Aged Care Onsite Pharmacist Medication Management Review (RMMR/HMR) credentialing
The Pharmacy Care Academy’s combined ACOP/MMR training program has been designed by industry experts who operate at the coal-face of aged care.
Our focus is on delivering training and credentialing that assures the care provider and their residents that our graduate Credentialed Pharmacists are adequately skilled to serve the complex clinical care needs of residents.
Feedback from aged care pharmacist employers and care providers has warranted that our program does not offer Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The Pharmacy Care Academy’s credentialed pharmacist candidates progress through a rigorous and practical program that includes 50 hours of work integrated learning and exposure to real-life aged care roles and functions.